Mon, Jun 5, 2023 13:30

Stepping into the Capital Once More - Ottawa plus Cobourg

2023 MBG Places Ontario Series - Ottawa and Cobourg (May 31- June 03, 2023)

Marlon's Wicket team planned a corporate event in Ottawa, I and Gabby just have to be there as well. Why not, no one is decent enough to say no to traveling. This will be our 2nd time in Ottawa, the first was a trip taken with Ate Clang2 and Kuya Ronnel. I had a very nice blog about it, the first time is always the most precious. Going back again has always been a plan, there were so many places not covered during our first trip. Just when I thought, a second time is a charm, I think I need a third one as well. I want to go back to the places I and Biw went to during this trip, I want Papa to be there with us.

Day 1

This trip, however, was mostly spent with just me and Biw walking the capital. We were confident not getting lost because the area was a little bit familiar still. Google Maps was our friend the entire day. Papa, on the other hand, enjoyed his time with his colleagues. We just had to brave it all, Ottawa is a nice place and people are nice too, so getting lost won't be a problem.

National Gallery of Canada

Finally, visiting the gallery this time. The last visit was just a picture of the facade, this time we were able to go inside and admire the rich historical display. I am not an art enthusiast, nor a history buff, but I know for a certain what immense value time holds. The artifacts, I am not sure how ancient, but they are I suppose transcend generations I didn't know how long. All the pieces displayed in the exhibition speak of beauty and worth. They are timeless and priceless.

The following exhibitions may represent some aspects of the community that is still rampant and very real wherever in the world. I kind of have mixed feelings of artistic admiration versus moral propriety. Is this exhibiting poverty porn or raising social awareness?

The art in question is a tall and wide stack of rugged materials of everyday objects. There were tattered slippers, torn bags, old newspapers, and dirty unemptied bottles. It is a mural of everything a junk pile could hold. Is this glorifying poverty by masking it in an artistic, well-displayed concept or representation of reality? Oh I don't know, I am too dumb to internalize these things but I guess - beauty in art is in the eye of the beholder and the interpretation is open to anyone who bothers to think.

The Notre Dame Cathedral.

Once again, blessed with the abundance of time and being prudent in reading the directions on google maps, we were able to see inside the Cathedral. It is as expected, jaw-dropping in the extravagance of the gold, hand-carved interior. From the floor, the pillars, the ceiling, and very much anywhere in the Cathedral - art speaks bold and loud. Of course, the house of worship is well maintained, rightfully, all the best of humanity's genius should foremost be for God. We were, after all, blessed enough to be a part of Him. 

The area to the innermost part of the altar is reserved for the guest paying for a tour guide. I have come across a couple with the tour guide and they have been explained the details and history behind the workmanship.

Lunch at King Eddy

I have been dreaming of King Eddy's famous waffle and chicken for God knows how long since I first tried them. Finally, stuffing my face with a platter of goodness is heaven.

Biw had some poutine, an enormous serving at that. We needed the walk back to the hotel after all that food. We passed along this lovely pub.

Dinner at Lemongrass Thai

The dinner was supposed to be the cream of the crop but didn't deserve the title. The food was disappointing. To nurse our regret, we spend some time at the park post-dinner, to enjoy the breeze and reminisce about the lovely day we had.

We head back to the hotel happy despite the disappointing dinner. We were supposed to go out with Papa for some cocktails and aperitif but were too tired to even budge on the bed. The lovely first day was concluded and we excitedly drifted to slumberland ready for the next day.

Day 2

The following day is a mama and baby day. Papa is once again with his officemates. The second day of our tag-along was the most productive and fun day. We also get to meet Papa's officemates during the night.

Canada Aviation and Space Museum

We didn't expect much enjoyment from this tour. We were supposed to go to the Cold War Museum Bunker a little far from the city center but we got extremely lazy and decided to just visit wherever is closer. The Museum is not exactly close to where we are, we have to take an Uber to get there. It turns out, this was the best tour so far. 

The aircraft displayed at every corner of the museum are all glorious and jaw-dropping. We've even seen the oldest of the models that ever chanced of flying the skies. 

Some of these planes served in the war, some were used for the recreation of the rich and affluent, and some were used for rescue and evacuation, cargo, and shipping. I am not sure if there was ever a commercial plane on display, I did not bother reading each and every plaque of history - not my thing, so I can't really account for how informative this tour could have been.

Biw had the chance at a prototype, she didn't fly it though. But, there was a historic biplane we could ride at an additional fee. Biw didn't try because Papa was not around. We will be back next time with Papa to hopefully try it out.

Part of the exhibition is space themed. It was not very fascinating but added to the fun.

This was a digital display of the galaxy, I am not sure if these were real photographs of space edited into a single video.

Every kid dreamt of becoming an astronaut once I guess. The multitude of stars in the galaxy is just too strong to not entice the little minds we once had. What is space really like, must be nice to see it with my own eyes.

Lunch at Level One

Awesome concept of the eat-and-play bandwagon. The restaurant was divided into two categories of play - the board game area and the videogame area. On off-peak hours, you get to enjoy both activities. However, during peak hours, you got to stick to the area you choose upon seating. 

We went just after they open which is at 2 pm so there were not many people in the restaurant yet. We get to play both the video games and board games.

We had some chicken tenders, cheesy perogies, cheesecake, cocktails, and iced tea over video games, ice breakers, and any board games that caught Gabby's curiosity. We went back to the hotel after lunch to recharge and meet with Papa. The night to follow will be intense, so he said. Archery tag after all is not for the faint of heart, and knees.

Archery Tag

Our last night in Ottawa was an intense battle of bow and arrows. I expected this game to be intense, but it is, and Biw held out better than I did. She was tiny but she tried her best to hit a mark.

It was fun and wonderful to have met Papa's workmates but this is the only activity I won't be doing ever again! I will be but it will come with a price lol. 

These marshmallow wannabes are deceiving. They are not your soft and bouncy fluff balls, they hurt like hell when you get hit. Of course, the pain intensity depends on the impact of the hit, but still, it hurts!

Safety gears were provided but who cares, they don't pillow-suit me so the marshmallow-looking arrows were still painful. Lol. 

Our second day in Ottawa ended up with a sore leg, laughter, and new-found bravery. I also concluded that sports are not for me, or whatever excursions that require running and squatting.

Day 3

Our third day is our drive home but it is not without a little side trip to another town in Ontario. We just have to make the most of our Places Ontario Series. 


Before heading back home to Toronto, we stopped by Mint so Marlon can grab his precious coins. 

Marlon is now happy and that concludes our short stay in Ottawa. Heading back to Toronto but not without a little sightseeing.

Cobourg and Lunch at The Oasis Bar and Grill

This time around we decided to have our stop over at Cobourg. We normally stay a night over to at least explore the place a little but we have to be home before Sunday because Gabby has a violin recital. We had a short visit but worth the stop.

We came right at the festivities, the roads were barricaded with vendors and the pride flag dancing through the wind. After a short stroll, we had our lunch at a tropical vibe resto called the Oasis. They have a great ambiance, food, and drinks are superb too.

We ordered what is recommended on the menu and we were satisfied. The seafood noodles and catfish platter are super good. The lemon chicken is also a star. Cocktails and cola complement the flavourful entree.

Apart from the quiet town, the beach is lovely too. Hoping to visit back one day and basked in the white warm sand and dip in the blue waters.

I think that Cobourg does not have a special place that I really want to explore so the short time we spent there was more than enough for me. If we ever come back, it would be a day trip and the destination will the beach.

This was not our first time tagging along on a company trip, we've been to many. Hopefully, we get to have this kind of trip more often. It is just sad that Papa is mostly away during the day but it certainly instills some sense of independence on my part especially when traveling. I am not comfortable going to different and unfamiliar places by myself and just with Biw, this time it was not as stressful because we've been to Ottawa already. Thankful to Lord for the opportunity to experience once more the beauty of the capital and of course, to have met new people.

*MBGXOttawaXCobourg.*    *TheMarcosesXOntario*     *2&1/2GypsiesXCanada*

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