Mon, Jun 5, 2023 16:04

Revisiting Magnificence - Quebec and Montreal

The Marcoses 2023 Provinces Series - Quebec City and Montreal (March 8-13 2023)

This is our second time visiting both magnificent cities - Quebec and Montreal. It is extra special this time as we get to bring the family along on the trip. I have written an extensive admiration of both cities in my previous blogs.

Not much to write about, I have poured all my appreciation and admiration into my two journals above.

Montreal Day 1.

Montreal by train. We took it via rail going to Montreal. The ride was comfortable and much better than driving there. The rain has so much leg room, space, and comfort than a family car.

Saty at Sonder Maisonneuve

Our hotel/condo is spacious and chic, situated right in the city center. Eatery littered about and adjacent to all must-see places in Montreal.

We arrived late in the day so we left the city tour for the following day. We cooked dinner at our hotel and turned in for the night. We are thankful for that comfortable and safe trip from Toronto.

Day 2 - Montreal.

The following day we set things in order by doing the most important part - breakfast. We had our breakfast at Crew Collective. It is an awesome concept of shared workspace x cafe in a heritage building. Awesome place to eat, meet, and relax.

Look at our table spread! I had the best chocolate croissant and a delicious salmon bowl. The eggs were dry and disappointing but I guess French like their eggs that way.

Quinoa salmon bowl with cheesy crackers and crunchy garlic bread cubes. I don't like quinoa but the flavorful salmon masked the taste. The salty crackers add to the flavor too, I don;t even taste the quinoa anymore.

This bowl looks lovely but disappointing. I forgot what is this called but I don't bother remembering what I don't like so let's leave it at that.

The next order of business is the city tour. We've been to Old Montreal, the Plateau, and The Underground City - where a piece of the Berlin Wall was displayed. We went to the Basilica too.

In the icy street streets of Montreal, we can't just forget to pose wherever the camera is called for. One of the many charms Montreal has to offer is its lovely, renaissance buildings. Every picture is like a painting remastered by the famous hands that ever held a paint brush.

We paid our visit to the Cathedral too. It is always fascinating no matter how many times I have seen it. The first-time visitors were as awe-struck as us, this splendor will never get old.

The confluence of masterpiece underground. The statues are carved out like the ones in Europe. The part of the Berlin Wall was also a dominant attraction in this underground passage.

The other part of the Berlin Wall stands proud of the history it carries. It deserves all the admiration every passerby has ever given to it.

Day 3 - Quebec City

We only stayed a day in Montreal, that was enough for us to cover the many beautiful buildings in the city. We never had the chance to go on a bus tour with the family, but they have seen our past excursions, and that was enough for them. The following day was allotted to the road to Quebec. 

I will be meeting up with my cousin, Kiatan and Tonga for this trip. It was our first time seeing each other here in Canada.

We will be staying at Hotel Valcartier, which has an enormous distance from the city center. We decided to bring the family on a tour of Old Quebec City first since we also have to have our lunch.

Old City Quebec.

This place is straight out of a postcard. Picturesque and teeming with history. Not to mention the dime-a-dozen cozy and pretty restaurants, vintage finds, and souvenir shops. Oh, certainly a different vibe in winter. We came here in summer and it was lovely, the winter season, however, fought for that appreciation too.

The famous Red Door from the Korean Drama - Goblin. I think I passed down this road and door the last time we came here but I didn't know of it then. Information certainly is powerful, it holds the key to how you appreciate things - and in this case, finding significance and meaning behind the popularity of this door.

We wanted to have our lunch here, it is said to be the oldest building in the Old City of Quebec, but we didn't know until we read the signs. It was still close and our hungry tummy got the better of us. We forgot history and went where the food smells good.

Some random street shots. I have so many pictures at every turn because the place is too beautiful.


We had a good platter of seafood and pasta. A cocktail is a must for me so a few glasses was thrown in the tab as well.

After having our lunch, we decided that it is time to head to our hotel, which is a good 30-minute drive. 

Hotel Valcartier.

Kiatan suggested this hotel due to its massive waterpark and plenty of activities in the vicinity that is already included for the duration of our stay. The hotel's facade is not as magnificent compared to the buildings and shophouses in Old Quebec but the amenities are top-class.

Bora Parc.

We rested a bit and met up at the waterpark. It is Bora Parc. There was never a shortage of water slides. There were so many to choose from. Not only that, they have a lazy river and a surfboard area. Fun for the kids indeed.

The night was concluded with a Filipino boodle in Kiatan's room. It was fun catching up with them and Gabby got the chance to finally meet her cousins.

Day 4.

On our second day in Quebec, we decided to explore and enjoy the many outdoor activities the Hotel Valcartier has to offer. 

Winter Playground.

This was the most favorite activity by far. The winter tubing is awesome and it was even sunny that day. It made the cold a little tolerable, the activity requires a lot of walking to get to the many avenues to tube so even broke a sweat.

I was never an adventure junkie and anything of this sort would normally make me uncomfortable, but this activity was surprisingly fun and not intense at all. I would love to try this again, many times over if I may add.

Ice Hotel.

It is exactly what it is called. A hotel made entirely of ice. This hotel is not just for sightseeing and clubbing. Clubbing, yes, they have Dj, bar, and drinks. Guests are free to dance along, glide and slide and just enjoy the view. This place is also an accommodation open to those who crave a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Sleeping in a hotel made of ice, with just a sleeping suit to keep you warm.

The ice queen carved in all of her glory. She is as breathtaking as any carvings I've ever seen. She looks too real only that she stands massive and tall.

Another beauty is the deep frost of winter. Imagine if these were inspired by real people, such beautiful faces they have. 

These are the many tables and chairs in the bar area. It is completely made out of ice. Not cold to touch but icy enough to freeze you in awe.

Day 5.

On the third day, we head back to Montreal. We had a quick breakfast once more at one of the coffee shops in the Old City. I forgot what the place is called but they served some serious coffee in a bowl.

We arrived close to dinner time, the family went out for a candlelight concert and me and Gabby stayed at the hotel. Gabby was a little bit sick and since we will be traveling back to Toronto the next day, we decided it is best for her to rest. 

Day 6.

The following morning, the day we checked out, the family decided to cook and eat breakfast. That day, Mama and Ate Mara will go back to Chicago. Ate Marion and Daddy Ted will be going back with us to Toronto.

We had an overall wonderful time traversing Montreal and Quebec. It was short but no time is ever wasted when spent with family. These visits to these two provinces are Marlon's gift to his dad who is going to travel back to the Philippines a few days after our Montreal/ Quebec Trip. I hope they enjoyed their time in Toronto, Quebec, and Montreal as much as we do.

We can't wait to have them back again, hopefully during the summer months.


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